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Why Pervious Asphalt Pavement is the Future of Sustainable Cities? - NFLG Asphalt Mixing Plant Manufacturer

Pervious Asphalt Pavement

Why Pervious Asphalt Pavement is the Future of Sustainable Cities?

May 8, 2023 Paddy Comments Off

Introduction to Pervious Asphalt Pavement

Pervious asphalt pavement, also known as porous or permeable asphalt, is an innovative solution to combat stormwater runoff in urban areas. Unlike traditional asphalt, pervious asphalt allows water to infiltrate through the pavement and into the underlying soil, promoting natural drainage and groundwater replenishment. The characteristics and importance of pervious asphalt make it a compelling option for sustainable urban development.

Benefits of Pervious Asphalt

A. Environmental Benefits

  • Reduction of stormwater runoff and water pollution: Pervious asphalt effectively manages stormwater by allowing it to infiltrate into the ground, reducing the strain on drainage systems and minimizing the risk of flooding. Additionally, it filters pollutants and contaminants, preventing them from entering natural water bodies.
  • Replenishment of groundwater resources: By enabling water infiltration, pervious asphalt contributes to the recharge of groundwater, helping to maintain sustainable water supplies.
  • Improved water quality and filtration: The porous structure of pervious asphalt facilitates natural filtration, removing pollutants and improving water quality as it percolates through the pavement.
  • Mitigation of heat island effect: Pervious asphalt reduces the heat island effect in urban areas by promoting evaporation and reducing surface temperatures, creating a cooler and more comfortable environment.

B. Functional Benefits

  • Enhanced stormwater management: Pervious asphalt effectively manages stormwater on-site, minimizing the need for complex drainage infrastructure and reducing the burden on municipal systems.
  • Reduced need for traditional drainage infrastructure: With its inherent ability to manage stormwater, pervious asphalt reduces the reliance on costly and elaborate drainage systems, saving resources and infrastructure expenses.
  • Increased durability and lifespan of the pavement: Pervious asphalt, designed with an open-graded structure, allows for greater durability and longevity compared to traditional asphalt pavements.
  • Improved skid resistance and safety: The porous nature of pervious asphalt provides better skid resistance, reducing the risk of accidents and improving road safety.

C. Economic Benefits

  • Cost savings in stormwater management and infrastructure: By minimizing the strain on stormwater infrastructure and reducing the need for extensive drainage systems, pervious asphalt offers significant cost savings in construction and maintenance.
  • Potential for tax incentives and grants: Many municipalities and governments provide tax incentives and grants to encourage the implementation of sustainable practices such as pervious asphalt pavement, further enhancing its economic attractiveness.
  • Increased property value and marketability: Pervious asphalt pavement adds value to properties by offering a sustainable and environmentally-friendly solution. It enhances the marketability of residential, commercial, and institutional developments.

Pervious Asphalt vs. Traditional Asphalt

In comparison to traditional asphalt pavements, pervious asphalt offers distinct advantages in terms of stormwater management, environmental impact, and durability. Some key differences include:

  • Installation and maintenance requirements: Pervious asphalt requires proper subbase preparation, aggregate gradation, and compaction to ensure optimal infiltration and performance. Regular maintenance practices such as cleaning, debris removal, and occasional resurfacing are crucial to maintain functionality.
  • Considerations for specific applications and traffic loads: Pervious asphalt is well-suited for low-traffic roadways, parking lots, driveways, and sidewalks. It may have limitations in areas with high traffic loads or where resistance to deformation is a critical requirement.

Stormwater Management with Pervious Asphalt

A. Mechanisms of Stormwater Infiltration

Pervious asphalt allows water to infiltrate into the underlying soil through its open-graded structure and interconnected voids. The voids and pore spaces within the asphalt pavement facilitate the drainage of stormwater.

Proper aggregate selection and pavement thickness are crucial in maintaining the desired permeability and infiltration capacity. The choice of aggregates with specific gradations ensures adequate pore space for water to flow through.

B. Design Considerations for Effective Stormwater Management

Determining appropriate pavement thickness and aggregate gradation is essential to achieve the desired infiltration rate and stormwater management capabilities. Factors such as local climate and rainfall intensity should be considered during the design process.

Subbase preparation and compaction play a vital role in supporting the pervious asphalt pavement structure and facilitating effective stormwater infiltration. Proper compaction ensures the stability and longevity of the pavement.

C. Performance Monitoring and Maintenance

Regular monitoring and assessment of pervious asphalt pavement performance are necessary to ensure its effectiveness in managing stormwater. Techniques such as infiltration testing and visual inspections can help evaluate its functionality.

Recommended maintenance practices include:

  • Regular cleaning: Removal of debris, sediment, and contaminants from the surface to maintain permeability and prevent clogging of the voids.
  • Debris removal: Clearing the pavement of leaves, trash, and other materials that may obstruct water flow.
  • Occasional resurfacing: If the pavement becomes compacted or loses its permeability over time, resurfacing with a fresh layer of pervious asphalt may be required to restore its functionality.

Environmental Impact of Pervious Asphalt Pavement

Pervious asphalt pavement offers several environmental benefits, including:

  • Reduction of water pollution and protection of natural water bodies: By filtering stormwater runoff and preventing the entry of pollutants into rivers, lakes, and streams, pervious asphalt helps preserve water quality and safeguard aquatic ecosystems.
  • Positive effects on air quality and carbon sequestration: Pervious asphalt contributes to air quality improvement by reducing the generation of dust and minimizing the need for street sweeping. Additionally, the pavement’s ability to allow water infiltration promotes vegetation growth, which aids in carbon sequestration.
  • Contribution to green infrastructure and sustainable urban development: Pervious asphalt is an integral component of green infrastructure systems, promoting sustainable urban development practices. It aligns with the principles of low-impact development and supports overall ecological balance in urban areas.

Installation and Maintenance of Pervious Asphalt Pavement

The installation process of pervious asphalt pavement involves several steps:

  1. Subbase preparation: Excavation and preparation of the underlying soil to ensure proper support and drainage capacity.
  2. Aggregate selection: Careful selection of aggregates with specific gradations to create the desired void structure for water infiltration.
  3. Asphalt placement: The open-graded asphalt mixture is laid and compacted to achieve the desired thickness and permeability.

Regular maintenance practices are crucial to preserve the functionality of pervious asphalt pavement:

  • Regular cleaning and debris removal to prevent clogging of the pavement’s voids.
  • Inspection for signs of damage, cracking, or degradation, and timely repairs to maintain the pavement’s performance.
  • Periodic resurfacing, if needed, to restore permeability and functionality.

Applications of Pervious Asphalt Pavement

Asphalt pavement finds applications in various settings, including:

Parking lots: Pervious asphalt parking lots effectively manage stormwater runoff while providing a durable and functional surface for vehicles.

Sidewalks and pedestrian pathways: Pervious asphalt sidewalks allow efficient stormwater management, reducing the risk of flooding and improving pedestrian safety.

Driveways: Pervious asphalt driveways offer a visually appealing and environmentally-friendly solution, reducing stormwater runoff from residential properties.

Low-traffic roadways: Pervious asphalt is suitable for roadways with low traffic volumes, such as residential streets or neighborhood roads. It provides effective stormwater management and contributes to a safer driving experience.

Public plazas and open spaces: Pervious asphalt can be used in public plazas and open spaces to manage stormwater while creating attractive and functional areas for recreational activities.

Examples of Successful Projects and Case Studies

Numerous successful projects and case studies demonstrate the versatility and effectiveness of pervious asphalt pavement:

City of Portland, Oregon: The City of Portland has implemented pervious asphalt in various applications, including parking lots, streets, and sidewalks. These projects have effectively managed stormwater runoff while promoting sustainable urban development.

University of Central Florida, Florida: The university campus in Florida has utilized pervious asphalt in parking lots and walkways. These installations have reduced stormwater runoff and improved water quality in nearby water bodies.

Seattle Public Utilities, Washington: Seattle Public Utilities has implemented pervious asphalt in several street projects to manage stormwater runoff. These projects have contributed to the city’s sustainable stormwater management goals.

Future Trends and Advancements in Pervious Asphalt Technology

Ongoing research and technological advancements are continuously improving the performance and capabilities of pervious asphalt pavement:

Integration of technology for improved monitoring and performance evaluation: Advancements in sensor technology and data analysis allow for real-time monitoring of pavement performance, enabling proactive maintenance and optimizing stormwater management.

Further optimization and customization of pervious asphalt mixtures: Researchers are exploring the use of additives and alternative materials to enhance the strength, durability, and permeability of pervious asphalt pavements.

Exploration of alternative permeable pavement solutions: Researchers are investigating alternative materials and designs, such as porous concrete and permeable pavers, to expand the options for sustainable stormwater management.


Pervious asphalt pavement is a sustainable solution for stormwater management and environmental protection in urban areas. Its benefits include reduced stormwater runoff, improved water quality, enhanced groundwater replenishment, and mitigation of the heat island effect. Pervious asphalt offers economic advantages, such as cost savings in stormwater management and increased property value. By implementing pervious asphalt pavement, communities can contribute to sustainable urban development and protect natural water resources. It is essential for decision-makers and stakeholders to recognize the potential of pervious asphalt and consider its integration in future infrastructure projects for a more resilient and eco-friendly urban environment.

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