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Best Practices for Asphalt Mix Storage - NFLG Asphalt Mixing Plant Manufacturer

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Best Practices for Asphalt Mix Storage

April 27, 2023 Paddy Comments Off

Asphalt mix storage is a crucial part of any asphalt production process. Proper storage is essential to maintain the quality and consistency of the mix, ensuring that it is ready to be used when needed. Here are some best practices for asphalt mix storage:

Use insulated storage containers: Insulated storage containers will help to maintain the temperature of the mix, preventing it from cooling down too quickly or overheating.

Maintain proper temperature: The ideal temperature for asphalt mix storage is between 275F and 325F. Maintaining this temperature range will ensure that the mix remains workable and does not lose its consistency.

Keep the storage container sealed: Keeping the storage container sealed will prevent moisture from entering, which can compromise the quality of the mix.

Use a level indicator: A level indicator will help you to monitor the level of the mix in the storage container, allowing you to determine when it needs to be replenished.

Follow storage time guidelines: Different types of asphalt mix have different storage time guidelines. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations to ensure that the mix remains usable.

By following these best practices for asphalt mix storage, you can ensure that the mix remains high-quality and workable, allowing for efficient and effective asphalt production.